This tribute took place at the Battle of the Badges II ( event earlier this year and could not have come together without the generous support of Norwich University and President Richard W. Schneider. Special thanks to the promoters of the Battle of the Badges II event, the Palermo family, and Steve Martin with
The final design for Tony's plaque has been approved. The mounting of the plaque will happen on Memorial Day, 2011. There will be more details on the accompanying dedication ceremony in the near future.

We will soon feature posters of the plaque design rendering on this site and at The sale of these posters and framed prints will support a college fund for Anthony's son Marcus which we will be opening in Tony's honor.
Tony will live on as a role model for future generations, and the legacy of his good deeds will put his young son through college if we are successful. This is the perfect way to honor his sacrifice above and beyond ackowledging it with the plaque and the words spoken about him below.
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